hoses for high pressure

Test hoses are used as connecting lines between the high pressure system unit and the measuring instruments, both for permanent connections as well as for sporadic checks.
Test hoses are used as well as connection elements in micro hydraulic systems. These hoses are equally used for venting jobs ( avoiding external leaks ) and for the extraction of fluid samples directly from actuator connection lines.
To allow the realisation of an optimal adaptation to the respective application, an extensive fitting program is available.
To avoid difficulties in acquiring spare parts later on, it is though recommended to prefer the more simple and popular hose assembly types, already during the planning process.
Anyhow, hoses represent the weakest element of a hydraulic system. Therefor we manufacture our test hoses with the highest quality materials to achieve the optimal strength and thereby the highest possible burst pressures. (consult the chapter “TECHNICAL DETAILS” ).
Depending on the use as connection element to measuring instruments or as transmission line for micro hydraulic systems, the requirements can be quite contradictory. When used as a connection line for a micro hydraulic system, it is most desirable to reach high flow rates with minimal pressure drop.
When used as connection to the a measuring instrument it might be most desirable to achieve a good pressure dampening effect. Equally, the fact that test hoses do not transmit mechanical vibrations.
Test hoses, like electric cables, are easily laid, this can result in considerable cost reductions in comparison to the use of steel tubing.

Preferably we manufacture complete hose assemblies which incorporate all fittings. ( Deliveries within 24 hours ). On request we also supply unassembled parts, with miniature hose on wooden reels , for order quantities of 1000 to 3000 m.

For the self making of hose assemblies the following considerations have to be taken in account:
When binding the fittings by means of a crimping tool one can reach a round outside diameter, of the press sleeve but its inside diameter is, due to geometry reasons, deformed plastically to a polygon shape; a hexagon in case of 6 press die segments, an octagon in case of 8 segments and so on.
This problem is particularly prominent when the fitting sleeves have a relatively high wall thickness. In contrast to rubber hoses, hoses of thermoplastic materials have relatively thin walls for the core tubing and for the cover sheeting. Therefor there is a lack of material to properly fill the corners of the polygon to seal the assembly. For this reason only special press tools, that warrant the achievement of round inside diameters of the fitting sleeves, should be used.

To be able to utilise the maximal burst pressure of our high quality hoses, without premature leakage at the fittings, it is recommended to use the RAICO – Crimping System.
Our hoses correspond to the nominal inside diameter size 2,2 mm and is marked with “burst pressure 1.800 bar”.

Style “A”
Hose fitting with swivel nut M 16x2 made from hexagonal bar # 19 mm, with hose nipple and including the protection tie of PA-NYLON 11.
Also available in the style “A1”, identical to the above but with the swivel nut thread M 16x1,5.
To specify the version made of stainless steel, please add “A” / AISI 303.

Style “A” / ONL with swivel nut M 16 x 2, made from hexagonal bar # 19 mm, inclusive of hose nipple but without protection tie.
Note: The test hoses with fittings style “A” ( and “A1”) are normally supplied with protection ties, advantageous when used for in field measurements.
For permanently installed test hoses the protection ties are not as useful. To renounce the supply of protection ties add “/ONL to the ordering specification. ( Example: FAA-.. /ONL ).

Style “E”, with straight cylindrical nipple with dia. of 6 mm, for tube fittings according DIN 2353.

Style “D”
Hose fitting with swivel nut M 16x1,5 ,form hex bar # 19 mm, with hose nipple to match tube fittings DIN2353 – nominal size ø 8 S with O-Ring seal on the 24° cone.O-Ring: dia. 1,5 x 6 / 9,0

Style “D1”
Hose fitting with swivel nut M 14x1,5, from hex bar # 17 mm, with hose nipple matching tube fittings DIN 2353 – nominal size ø 8 L with O-Ring seal on the 24° cone. O-Ring: ø. 1,5 x 6.0 / 9,0

Style “R”
Hose fitting with swivel nut BSP (G) ¼”, from hex bar # 19 mm, with hose nipple for the internal cone of 60° - metallic sealing.

Style “J”
Hose fitting with swivel nut 7/16 –20 UNF 2A, from hex bar # 14 mm, with hose nipple matching the tube fittings JIC ¼”

Style “M1”
Gauge connector BSP (G) ¼”, with swivel nut from hex bar #19 mm.Hose nipple with flat seal, including “dki “- sealing ring.

Style “M”
Gauge connector BSP (G) ½”, with swivel nut from hex bar #27 mm.
Hose nipple with flat seat, including “dki”- sealing ring. (For standardised gauges also “dki” ¼” sealing rings are supplied on request)

Style “T1”
Hose nipple with male thread NPT 1/8”
Style “T2”
Hose nipple with tapered male thread BSPT 1/8”

Style “T3”
Hose nipple with cylindrical male thread M 8x1.
Sealing by means an O-Ring ø. 1.78x 6,07 /9.63
Other style fittings on request

For an unmistakable type identification, please use the coding as follows (example) :
Example: FAM 1- 15

The catalogue specifications for the micro hoses with the fittings “A” – “D – “D1” and “E” are based on experience gathered from our sales statistics. Independent thereof, it is possible to choose the length of hoses and the combination of fittings at will.
For the connection fittings “A” (M16 x 2) and “A1” (M16 x 1,5) protection ties of PA_NYLON 11 are foreseen to protect the coupling thread and to avoid the loss of oil droplets in the uncoupled state.
On measuring hoses used for field pressure measurements, protection ties are very useful whereas for permanently installed hoses these can be dispensable.
To order assemblies without protection ties you should therefor add the indication “ONL” to the ordering specification.
micro hoses FAA
L denomination
mm inch
300 12'' FAA-03
400 16'' FAA-04
600 23,1/2" FAA-06
800 31,1/2" FAA-08
1000 25,1/2" FAA-10
1500 59'' FAA-15
2000 78,1/2" FAA-20
2500 98,1/2" FAA-25
3000 118'' FAA-30
4000 157,1/2" FAA-40
6000 236'' FAA-60
12000 472,1/2" FAA-120

style "D" style "D1" style "E"
24°- cone - ø 8 S 24° - cone - ø 8 L straight nipple
M 16 x 1.5 M 14 x 1.5 ø 6 mm
hexagon # 19 mm hexagon # 17 mm
L denomination denomination denomination
mm inch
300 12'' FDD-03 FD1D1-03 FEE-03
400 16'' FDD-04 FD1D1-04 FEE-04
600 23,1/2" FDD-06 FD1D1-06 FEE-06
800 31,1/2" FDD-08 FD1D1-08 FEE-08
1000 25,1/2" FDD-10 FD1D1-10 FEE-10
1500 59'' FDD-15 FD1D1-15 FEE-15
2000 78,1/2" FDD-20 FD1D1-20 FEE-20
2500 98,1/2" FDD-25 FD1D1-25 FEE-25
3000 118'' FDD-30 FD1D1-30 FEE-30
4000 157,1/2" FDD-40 FD1D1-40 FEE-40
6000 236'' FDD-60 FD1D1-60 FEE-60
12000 472,1/2" FDD-120 FD1D1-120 FEE-120